Friday, August 16, 2013

Could you BUY A TOY for the least of these? URGENT NEED!

Matthew 25:40 "And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
~precious one "playing" in his metal crib~
It's that simple....we have to do SOMETHING
Let me take a moment and share about the need that YOU can help with today!
Often we don't really know HOW we can help, but the orphan has no means to help themselves, it's the body of Christ that must step up and meet their needs!
Well here is the need....
Our Patterson Park Church Hope 1:17 Orphan Ministry has been made aware of an URGENT need in an orphanage located in Inner Mongolia.  We have a contact there who has shared with us how difficult it is to be newly serving the precious ones there with NO TOYS or BOOKS.
I'm sure all of you have been blessed to spend time with a curious little baby, you may have grabbed a toy rattle out of the toy basket to watch how they reach up to grab it. 
 They are learning what their little hands are capable of doing!
The noise, they turn to. 
 The colors, they are drawn to.  
Their eyes light up as you show them how fun this simple toy can be. 
Here they have nothing but maybe just a shoe off their feet to play with and explore
This is a precious little one from the orphanage that we will be helping!
Permission to use this picture given by Hannah
Below is a detailed list provided by a special education teacher who is ministering there
YOU can donate these items and bring them to PPC this Sunday or next Sunday (Aug.18th & 25th). 
We will have a basket located next to the Children's Welcome Desk marked HOPE 1:17 TOY DONATIONS  the basket will sit there all week, so you can drop off through out the week during business hours
OR, you can contact HOPE 1:17 by sending a message to Amber Smith Rohrer on Facebook
If you would like to help out with the large shipping cost, you can donate via cash or check to PPC, mark HOPE 1:17 in the memo line and place it in the White Box or offering at PPC.
We need 3-4 of each of the following items listed....
age 0-12mo.
Rattle toy that cannot come apart (bright colors)
Activity Mat like THIS ONE
Squeaking Toy ( easy for an infant to make noise with)
Bucket with Blocks
Sippy Cup (some with sucking action needed, some with out)
Infant Board Books (with pics of family people)
Infant Board Books (with pics of toys)
Safe Baby floor mirrors like THIS ONE
age 1-2 years
Bucket with Blocks (block size 1.5-2 inches square, at least 5 blocks)
Large Crayons
Package of straws
Jacket with front zipper
Toy cat, dog, cow, lamb (unbreakable plastic type)
Toy car that cannot lose wheels or other parts(bigger than Matchbox size)
Books as listed above
Toddler book listing eyes, nose, mouth etc
Small doll with hair (no breakable parts)
Doll hairbrush, doll bowl, spoon, cup (plastic)
Toy airplane (no breakable parts)
Rhino Toys Oball like THIS ONE
Ages 2-3 years
chalkboard eraser
nesting or stacking cups (play)
8 2inch blocks
child scissors ( left and right handed)
doll or book that has laces, ties, buttons, zippers
Childrens board books (shows pics of home life, family life)
hand puppets
dress up clothing (doctor, nurse, police, firefighter etc)
plastic kitchen set
Ages 3-5 years
playground ball
child scissors (left and right handed)
12 blocks 1.5-2inches
toys with buttons, laces, snaps, zippers
lacing cards
simple card games (GoFish etc)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

I Had a Talk With Him 'Bout Some Stuff

What is YOUR relationship with God like?
Do you talk with Him alot?
Do you read what He wrote for you?
He's your Dad.
If you have accepted Jesus's gift of salvation, repented and acknowledged your need for Him alone to forgive and bridge the gap sin created between you and God, then at that point...
He's your Daddy.
He has a character like no one else.
I'm still learning about WHO He is, His character.
In our adoption, there was a pursuit. 
He pursued me, He pursued you.
Galatians 4:4-6 ~
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”
Romans 8:23~
 ...even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons
What was His pursuit like to adopt us?
Were there mountains that had to be moved?
There was pain.  There was His sacrifice.  His own perfect Son had to be sacrificed just to have a relationship with US.  To become our adopted Father!
It's hard to wrap my head around how much had to be done, just to be able to become our Father!
In our family's pursuit to adopt our daughter, there are mountains, there are BIG things that look impossible!!
And here is where we have a choice in this journey.
THIS is what my conversations with God have consisted of lately. (being transparent here)
"Ok, I trust You. I know You have a perfect plan, the timing is Yours, our daughter is Yours. So do I then just sit back and wait and see what You will do?"

So what would YOU do?
Just keep moving forward, smile and wait and see what He will do? Trusting that He's got this.
That's totally an option.  It's SAFE (ish).
I like SAFE.
Yesterday morning during my walk, I made a choice to not just take the "safe way".
When I walk, I pray.  So I was talking to God and decided again to ask for MOUNTAINS TO BE MOVED!!!
I asked for BIG things.  RISKY things. BOLD things.
I asked these things for the many sweet friends of ours who are also in their journey to adopt.
I specifically talked to God about His character, who He is and what He does.
(as if He doesn't know these things about Himself :)
Here's what I know... (and I reminded Him about these things :)

God "places the lonely in families" ~ Psalms 68:6
God "defends the fatherless" ~ Psalms 10:18, Deut. 10:17-18
God "helps the fatherless" ~ Psalms 10:14
God "rescues the weak and needy" ~ Psalms 82:3-4
God shows mercy to the orphan ~ Hosea 14:3
God "hears their cry" ~ Ex. 22:22-23

Because I know the above to be TRUE about the character of God...
Then I asked Him to MOVE on the behalf of our children waiting!
I asked Him to move QUICKLY, please don't make them wait any longer!
I asked for our daughter to know love, to bond with her caregiver.
I asked for processes and paperwork to move along quickly!
I asked for the offices and governments involved to get their acts together!
I asked that He bind the enemy from our adoption processes!
I asked Him to match us with our daughter in a way that ONLY HE would get the Glory for
(there's ALOT in the above statement)
There's some "impossible" stuff here. And THIS is where He loves to work!!! WAHOOOO!!
I asked for this process to move along in a way that would ONLY be explained by Him and His Hand.
I could have kept quiet about my prayers to Him.
But He asks us to "come together".  He's not just MY Father.
He is OUR Daddy, He wants us to ASK Him, so He can SHOW us His love by what He does for His children!!!!!
I don't think He wants me to sit back and just see what will happens.  Where's the growth in that?
I want my faith in Him to grow big!
 I think He WANTED me to ask Him all these things!!!
I'm soooooo looking forward to sharing with you WHAT HE DOES in answering our prayers!!!
OH...and....then I "happen" to read a fav blogger/adoptive momma's post today...check it out!
